Do you like the direction Nexus is taking with Joomla?

Do you like the direction Nexus is taking with Joomla?
I like the old Joomla admin, this is dumbing down Joomla!
56  71.8%
I love it, please add more media support i.e. Photo and video features!
5  6.4%
I think it's cool, but I want more tools in Nexus i.e. Search tools
5  6.4%
I love how direct and to the point the interface is!
5  6.4%
I sell products online, I want E-commerce support in Nexus
4  5.1%
I like to blog, and I want easy creation/editability of my blog posts in Nexus
3  3.8%

Number of Voters  :  78
First Vote  :  Saturday, 08 May 2010 13:07
Last Vote  :  Saturday, 12 November 2022 18:03
Nexus Feedback...
Do you like the direction Nexus is taking with Joomla?